SWIPRA Investor Think Tank mit neuen Mitgliedern und Erweiterung des Fokus auf Stewardship & Engagement

SWIPRA Services Ltd is pleased to announce three new members to its Panel of Investors. Five years ago, SWIPRA established a Think Tank with the goal of promoting good corporate governance in Switzerland and of fostering dialogue and mutual understanding between shareholders and companies. It consists of an investor (“Panel of Investors”) and an issuer (“Panel of Experts”) chapter.

The three new members are senior ESG and engagement professionals, bringing distinct and deep knowledge and experience in active ownership to the Think Tank, and represent the largest Swiss asset managers: Credit Suisse Asset Management, Pictet Asset Management, and UBS Asset Management.

The goal of the extended SWIPRA Panel of Investors is to work towards a common understanding of good stewardship and a collaborative engagement structure for the Swiss capital market. It is the group’s intention to promote a high-quality engagement dialogue between institutional shareholders and listed Swiss companies on corporate governance and sustainability.