Comprehensive Board Assessment
Comprehensive and tailored evaluation of your board of directors including a 360° review to improve the effectiveness of your board and your governance framework (1x)
Board Development Assessment
Annual self-evaluation of the board of directors on progress made, issues identified and challenges ahead, based on the original findings of the comprehensive board assessment (2x)
Board Workshop
Annual board workshop on a specific topic identified as critical for the board of directors
Board Composition
Annual update of the board’s skills and experience map, including a gap analysis with respect to strategic targets and expectations
Update Capital Market Expectations
Regular updates on current capital market developments relevant for board of directors
Governance Structure Review
Thorough review of your corporate governance framework with a view towards strategic consistency, ESG integration and against current market practice and key stakeholder expectations (1x)
Governance Report Vulnerability Assessment
Bi-Annual review of your governance report considering strategic alignment, ESG integration and outside-in market expectations
AGM Invitation Review
Annual review of your AGM invitation to understand risks and opportunities ahead of the shareholder meeting
Update AGM Season Review and Expectations
Annual update on key issues identified at AGMs in Switzerland and abroad including learnings and action points for the year ahead
Non-financial Integration Review
Review of your non-financial reporting and its strategic integration, considering your individual needs, shareholder and other stakeholder expectations, Swiss legal requirements (1x)